How Do I Regsiter to Play on the HoC Server?
Do to certain "Hacker @ssholes" we've had to change to a Private Community as of July 2012. While we don't like the idea, we have a strong community and we're still growing...so we're doing something right.
Anyway...To Join:
1. Register for a Forum Account
2. If We Don't Know You; but you know an HoC Community member, you can ask them to "Vouch" for you and we'll verify your data and get you Forum Registered
3. If we don't know you...and you don't know any of us...we're sorry but you can't join (you may be one of those hacker @ssholes we mentioned above). Yeah it Sucks, we know.
After we get you access on the Forums, we will then be able to Register you for the Game Server

That info is here: